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نظرية القادم من انتلر الهند | الحلقة 04-العصر القادم لتكنولوجيا الفضاء

India’s space tech industry is witnessing a paradigm shift driven by a factor common to most tech disruptions: a dramatic fall in cost. How will the confluence of multiple trends define the next era for space tech in India? Nitin Sharma (Partner, Antler India) and Rahul Seth (Scouting Director, Antler India) tackle these questions in the latest episode of Theory of Next. In a special section, Awais Ahmed (Co-founder and CEO, Pixxel) joins the team to talk about Mars colonization, asteroid mining, and space factories.


هل سيسود العصر الذهبي للابتكار؟

Now that the downturn is upon us, is it still the best time in history to build a business? Industry titans and Antler Board members James Anderson and Sheila Patel tackle crucial questions about the current markets, what they mean for founders and investors, and whether the golden age of innovation will persist through these rough seas.


نظرية التالي من آنتلر الهند | الحلقة 03-تقنية العافية العقلية

Theory of Next is a series by Antler India that decodes and contextualizes the spaces and ideas of the future. Using first-principles approach, it provides a window into the process by which a venture capital firm arrives at a particular sectoral thesis.


نظرية التالي من انتلر الهند | الحلقة 02-المؤسسات المستقلة اللامركزية (DAOs)

Theory of Next is a series by Antler India that decodes and contextualizes the spaces and ideas of the future. Using first-principles approach, it provides a window into the process by which a venture capital firm arrives at a particular sectoral thesis.


نظرية التالي من انتلر الهند | الحلقة 01-المركبات الكهربائية

Theory of Next is a series by Antler India that decodes and contextualises the spaces and ideas of the future. Using first-principles approach, it provides a window into the process by which a venture capital firm arrives at a particular sectoral thesis. In this episode, Nitin Sharma (Partner, Antler India) and Vineet Agarwal (Investment Manager, Antler India) brainstorm and lay out our thesis on the electric vehicles landscape in India.


كيف تحصل على ترقية إلى رئيس تنفيذي للتكنولوجيا، وفقًا لأربعة مديرين تنفيذيين ناجحين في مجال التكنولوجيا

The step from software engineer or senior architect to CTO can feel like a quantum leap. Knowing when to make the transition, and how, is often a barrier that prevents people from taking the leap sooner.

With that in mind, Antler recently hosted a CTO panel to share first-hand advice of those who have done it, with those who are aspiring to get there.


كيف تبني شركة تقنية ناشئة في 11 أسبوعاً | قصة آنتلر

There several ways in which entrepreneurs build their businesses and in recent years, quite a few startup ecosystem players have entered the journey in order to support Entrepreneurs in their endeavor. Antler, a startup generator and early-stage VC has brought a unique approach for aspiring entrepreneurs by creating a program that allows them to find their co-founding team, define their business idea and an opportunity to receive an investment all in 11 weeks. Check out the feature on #BBC Africa as we welcome our second cohort of the Nairobi program to #buildnextwaveoftech in the next 11 weeks.


سلسلة الشركات الناشئة: تعرّف على سكاي كرافت

Skyqraft is an Antler-generated startup built to transform what the long-range power line inspection looks like today. Using manned helicopters and ground crew is not only outdated and time consuming, it's also dangerous, expensive and unsustainable.

Skyqraft offers autonomous, long-range infrastructure inspections that gathers video and image data using drones. Their machine learning system will then use this data to detect any potential threats towards the grid. The startup was founded in the inaugural Stockholm cohort by CEO David Almroth, CTO Umar Chughtai and Sales Director Sakina Turabali.

لم يتم العثور على نتائج.
لا توجد نتائج بهذا المعيار. حاول تغيير البحث.

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احصل على آخر الأخبار والآراء من مجتمع أنتلر العالمي

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