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أنتلر تطلق ثالث وأكبر مجموعة من الأفراد الاستثنائيين الأستراليين المستعدين لبناء شركاتهم القادمة

Antler Australia received 1,400 applications in total, and spent 618 hours interviewing to identify and select this cohort - the largest to date, up 20% from the previous Sydney cohort of 80.


من المقرر أن يُقام أول يوم تجريبي افتراضي لشركة Antler في سيدني في 25 يونيو - إليك كيفية المشاهدة

12 early-stage powerhouse tech companies will be revealed. Join us and help chart the path to recovery for the tech startup ecosystem.


أنتلر تعزز منصتها العالمية من خلال التوسع في الهند

This story is covered by Business Standard, Hindu Business Line, Economic Times, Business Insider, Business World, Outlook, Mint, YourStory, VC Circle and Tech in Asia.

Antler announced plans to launch in India to enable more entrepreneurs to build startups through their platform, support and global reach. The local operation will start in Bangalore and be led by Rajiv Srivatsa, co-founder of Urban Ladder, who is joining as Partner.


أنتلر تتعاون مع شركة بي كابيتال لدعم شركات التكنولوجيا الاستثنائية

Antler is thrilled to announce a collaboration with global investment firm B Capital Group, founded by Eduardo Saverin and Raj Ganguly. The agreement allows our companies to join forces across multiple functions, leveraging the six continents and major technology ecosystems our global funds operate in.


العثور على الجانب الإيجابي: شركات محفظة Antler تستجيب لـ COVID-19

It has been incredible to see over the last few weeks how our portfolio companies are supporting their customers and communities during this global pandemic. They are doing this either through their existing solutions or pivoting so they can more appropriately address one of the pain points of the COVID-19 crisis. We are very proud of them.

We have put together a (non-exhaustive) list of those companies and we will continue to update it to reflect these incredible initiatives. If you are interested in learning more about what they do or are in a position to help these companies in any way please reach out to them.


"الحاجة العظيمة تلهم الابتكار العظيم": أنتلر يخصص 500 ألف دولار أمريكي لتمويل الشركات الناشئة التي تعالج المشاكل الناجمة عن كوفيد-19

As part of Antler’s mission to chart the path to recovery, we want to support teams working on solutions to these problems by investing in their startups.


شرودرز وفيرد من بين المستثمرين الجدد في أنتلر

Schroders, along with Johan H. Andresen’s Ferd, and other prominent investors such as FinTech Collective, have invested in Antler, as we grow our Global platform to support founders in building fast-growing technology companies.


اليوم التجريبي الافتتاحي لـ Antler London | 13 شركة ناشئة تبحث عن إحداث تغيير جذري

In June 2019, 71 exceptional individuals, representing 32 different nationalities, were carefully selected to join our first program in London. After just 2 months we invested £1.56 million in 13 different companies that were generated in that program, 30% of which have a female co-founder. At our first London Demo Day, these companies pitched in front of a full house of 400 investors at the iconic Royal Institution in Mayfair.

During the day, we also had the pleasure to invite Reshma Sohoni, founder and managing director at SeedCamp, for a fireside chat together with our CEO and founder Magnus Grimeland. Moderated by Amy Lewin from Sifted, they shared their insights on the European startup and venture capital scene, how it has evolved in the last few years and what's to come. Get a first glimpse at the 13 companies below.

المملكة المتحدة

مسابقة لجنة الاستثمار السنوي (AIM) مسابقة دبي الوطنية للشركات الناشئة

In a global partnership, Antler is taking part in the Annual Investment Committee (AIM) Dubai summit in March. 6 Antler locations will hold a local startup pitch competition calling on all our portfolio companies in specific sectors.


رواد الأعمال المتسلسلون يختارون Antler لإطلاق مشروعهم التالي - وإليك سبب أهمية ذلك

21% of Antler Sydney's second cohort have previously exited a company as a founder or executive.


أنتلر وجامعة نيو ساوث ويلز تطلقان برنامجاً تنفيذياً لإنشاء مشاريع تقنية عميقة ناجحة

Global startup generator and early-stage venture capital firm Antler and the National University of Singapore (NUS), via the Graduate Research Innovation Programme (GRIP), has launched an Executive Programme to enable more entrepreneurs to build successful deep tech startups. The bespoke six-month part-time programme will combine the best of both organisations including platforms, funding and ecosystems.


15 شركة ناشئة جديدة ولدت في ستوكهولم يجب أن تراقبها باستمرار

Back in August 2019, 98 carefully selected founders were brought together to embark on their startup journey. This diverse group of people from 22 nations, and experience from more than 30 industries and academia, along with a female representation of 35%, all had one thing in common - the desire to create impact and build their own new venture.

أنتلر تطلق برنامجها الأسترالي الثاني في سيدني مع 81 فرداً استثنائياً

81 of Australia's most entrepreneurial tech and commercial leaders are ready to build the next wave of tech.


أنتلر يستثمر في 14 شركة جديدة تم إنشاؤها في برنامج سنغافورة الثالث

The group of companies invested in the third Singapore program drive disruption in e.g., B2B SaaS, e-commerce, GreenTech, PropTech and HealthTech.


50 مليون دولار أمريكي: أنتلر تؤمن المزيد من الاستثمارات في صناديقها لحل "أكبر مشاكل العالم

Antler has raised a further US$50m into its Global funds, supported by high profile investors, including Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin.


نظرة على أحد أكثر الأيام أهمية في برنامج انتلر

On November 13th, Antler held its first Demo Day in Amsterdam. This day is the finale of the 6 month long Antler program. The big moment for an entrepreneur who's been building a company with their heart and soul. The first time your company is unveiled to the world.


50 امرأة رائدة في مجال التكنولوجيا في العالم العربي

On Thursday the 21st of November 2019, about 100 leaders and influencers across the technology field were brought together to be part of the exclusive launch for Inspiring Fifty Nordics; men and women who see the value and positive impact that increased diversity has on all aspects of business including revenue growth, innovation and culture.

نحن هنا لنكون أكبر مولد للأعمال التجارية في أستراليا

Antler's inaugural Australian Demo Day attracted almost 1,000 people, 1.7K online viewers, and an on-the-spot engagement for every portfolio company


كيف يقوم Antler بالأمور بشكل مختلف لضمان نجاح المؤسسين من اليوم الأول

From the program to the team, and how it addresses the barriers to entrepreneurship, Antler gives founders an unfair advantage over startups not in the Antler program.


الطاقة والملكية والتنقل: أنتلر يركز على الصناعات ذات الإمكانات العالية للابتكار في النرويج

Antler has launched in Norway with a mission to enable exceptional individuals to build global businesses in industries with high potential for innovation: energy, property, mobility.

Antler, a global startup generator and early-stage VC fund, recruits talented professionals to join a six-month program designed to support them in finding co-founders to build and grow a business that will go on to solve some of the most crucial problems of tomorrow.

إطلاق Antler Jakarta لتمكين المزيد من الشركات الناشئة الإندونيسية الناجحة

Antler has recently announced its plan to launch in Jakarta to enable more Indonesian entrepreneurs to build successful startups through its platform. Antler's vision is to invest in at least 20 Indonesian startups annually and give founders support by helping them form the right team, funding them from day 1 and giving them access to a global network of advisors and mentors.


كواليس مطعم آنتلر مع الأمير دانيال السويدي

On the third of September, Antler was fortunate enough to be paid a royal visit. Prince Daniel of Sweden, Duke of Västergötland, came to visit the Antler Stockholm office. Here is what happened behind the scenes.

أنتلر تعزز فريق القيادة العالمية بتعيين اثنين من المعينين في منصبين جديدين

Antler has appointed Edward Knight as a Global Partner and Annette Wilson as European Chair and Advisor of Antler. Knight will also become a board member. The pair join to strengthen Antler's global and European team in supporting its founders, portfolio companies and the global Antler platform.


أنتلر سيدني تنشئ 12 شركة في محفظتها وتستثمر 100 ألف دولار في كل منها

Twelve startups formed in the Antler program in Sydney have secured $100,000 in pre-seed funding.


ما يتطلبه إنشاء 44 شركة ناشئة جديدة في 6 أشهر

In the first six months of 2019, Antler has enabled hundreds of entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds to create outstanding companies that are already positively impacting Global and local economies with the next wave of technology.


بناء الموجة التالية من شركات التكنولوجيا الناشئة من أفريقيا

Africa, with its staggering young population, rapidly growing adoption of mobile technologies, increasing middle class and harbouring of 4/10 world’s fastest growing economies, is ready for a tech revolution and Antler is excited to bring its disruptive model to the continent.


لقد وصل أخيرًا: يوم العرض التجريبي الافتتاحي في ستوكهولم

June 12, 2019 | Stockholm: What do you get when you take 14 portfolio  companies, 500 guests, almost 1500 people live streaming from across the  world, one stage and a mission to build the next wave of tech?

بلوبرينت: كيف وظفت أنتلر سيدني 71 مؤسساً طموحاً في 3 أشهر

Lessons from recruiting a diverse cohort of rocket scientists, excited entrepreneurs, CTO's, management consultants and all round superstars.


تعرّف على شريكنا في أمستردام

In October 2018, Youri Doeleman was asked to bring Antler to Amsterdam. Under his leadership, a local team has been set up, the recruitment phase is in progress and the strategic positioning of Antler has been established. So therefore, it is about time to learn a bit more about his background, ambitions and aspirations for Antler.


رحلة المؤسسين إلى يوم العرض

Our very first demo day for Antler Singapore was met with great success, with 13 portfolio companies presenting their pitches to more than 500 investors from both the regional and international VC community. A great step forward from where they were six months ago.


تقرير شهر سبتمبر

September has been a busy month for Antler as we presented, co-hosted and participated in a variety of industry events. As we near the end of the month, we look back at some of the movers and shakers, key moments and learnings that inspired us.


الفوج الأول من مجموعة آنتلر مباشر رسميًا

After months of preparation, the first Antler cohort is finally in full force in Singapore. It has been an intensive 120 hours as we introduced our 62 founders to the program, each other, and ran through key topics and exercises that broke down barriers in getting to know each other. These sessions were formatted with the intention of bringing out different personalities and working styles, through a range of high and low pressure settings. There was a variety of light-hearted icebreaker sessions to intensive product building hackathons. Lots of laughter, chatter and hard work ensued. Here, we've put together a little roundup of our first-ever week!


إنسايد سكوب: ما تعلمناه في TIA 2018

We are all familiar with the startup worlds of Berlin, Stockholm and Silicon Valley, but where do we look for Asia's startup hub? You might want to switch your gaze away from the skyscrapers of Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Russia. Southeast Asia could be your much-overlooked getaway into Asia, and here are some reasons why.


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لا توجد نتائج بهذا المعيار. حاول تغيير البحث.

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احصل على آخر الأخبار والآراء من مجتمع أنتلر العالمي

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المدير العالمي للتسويق الرقمي

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