قصص المؤسس

شكرا! تم استلام طلبك!
عفوا! حدث خطأ ما أثناء إرسال النموذج.
فيليبو نيغرو يتحدث عن رحلته مع شركة آنتلر في برلين

Antler was founded on the belief that people innovating is the key to building a better future. In our content series—”It All Starts with People”—we spotlight the exceptional founders we have the privilege of partnering with around the world. Each story is a window into their passions, motivations, and vision—the reasons they are building and the positive dent they are aiming to make on the world.

This time we sat down with Filippo Nigro to talk about his journey and why he decided to build his company with Antler in Berlin.


بيت هاين فان دام: رائد أعمال البيانات المخضرم الذي يهدف إلى القضاء على داء السكري من النوع الثاني

Meet Piet Hein van Dam, co-founder of Clear, who is using data—not pills—to help millions of people with type 2 diabetes eliminate the disease within three months.


شراكة بين أنتلر ومايكروسوفت للشركات الناشئة لدعم النساء المؤسِّسات

Antler is proud to join forces with Microsoft for Startups to support rising entrepreneurs—starting with 23 non-dilutive grants to women founders in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and North America—and reduce the barriers to startup success. Meet some of these founders.


تانيكا ماكلويد: المعلمة التي تعمل على تمكين الجيل القادم من خلال منصة التعلم الاجتماعي عند الطلب

Meet Tanika McLeod, one of the three co-founders of MinuteSkill, a Toronto-based social micro-learning platform that uses bite-sized content and knowledge-sharing communities to empower the next generation.


ياومي سوغيهارتا صانعة العلامة التجارية التي أحدثت ثورة في مجال العناية بالبشرة من خلال التكنولوجيا والاستدامة

Meet Yaumi Fauziah Sugiharta, a brand builder and growth marketeer on a mission to make people more comfortable in their own skin through Base, a digitally native personalized skincare company based in Indonesia.


اكتب قصة نجاحك بنفسك

A conversation with Samira Scheerer, ex-consultant who’s following her vision of founding her own business.


إيجاد الحل المناسب

A conversation with Raj Kukreja, software developer, engineering manager and now working on finding the right solution.


عمل هادف: بناء المنتجات لتمكين الناس

Sitting down with Viktoria Prantauer: digital marketing expert, breast cancer survivor, and now working on making her mark on the world.


جيمي بوب: مطور المشاريع التسويقية التقنية الذي يربط بين العلامات التجارية ومنشئي المحتوى

Meet Jamie Bubb, co-founder of Twirl, who—on the back of defeating Hodgkin’s Lymphoma—built an SaaS-enabled marketplace connecting brands with content creators.


إميليا ثي الأخصائية النفسية التي تستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي لإضفاء الطابع الديمقراطي على الوصول إلى حلول الصحة النفسية

Antler was founded on the belief that people innovating is the key to building a better future. To honor them, we are launching a new content series—”It All Starts with People”—spotlighting the exceptional founders we have the privilege of partnering with around the world. Each story is a window into their passions, motivations, and vision—the reasons they are building and the positive dent they are aiming to make on the world.

In our first spotlight, we sat down with Emilia Theye, the co-founder of clare&me—a mental health app that uses language-based AI to develop an innovative approach to virtual self-help.


سبع طرق يمكن للمؤسسين من خلالها إعطاء الأولوية للصحة النفسية أثناء قيامهم بالبناء

Founders are the life force of the startup ecosystem. They give their all, betting on their seemingly “crazy” convictions and executing on abstract ideas that can potentially make our lives and work easier, faster, healthier, and better optimized.

But sometimes they do this to the detriment of their health. Being a founder means being beholden to customers, employees, and investors while balancing personal life. Often founders trade their stable, well-paying jobs to prioritize the restless inquisitivity of their mind. In the quest to answer the question “what if?”, they sometimes sacrifice their mental and physical health, only realizing the effects on their state of mind once they have impacted their ability to function as a leader. We have also seen how the mental pressure on founders can cause distress to those who depend on them for their livelihood and direction.


رحلة طبيب وصدفة اكتشاف المؤسس المشارك في إقامة آنتلر

A country of over 1.4 billion people and something as crucial as the medical emergency response system still remains unsolved. The numbers quantify the magnitude and gravity of this problem - over 50% of the ambulances do not arrive even after 60 minutes, 90% of ambulances do not have the basic equipment and 97% have no trained personnel. But here is the most staggering number of them all - over 50% of all deaths in India are preventable. While ambulances are a part of the problem, they are not the solution. The missing piece in creating a robust medical emergency response system is a solid digital infrastructure layer.


كيف تطورت شركة سانجتي من فكرة لتكنولوجيا المناخ إلى شركة ناشئة مدعومة برأس مال مخاطر

A fitting pairing of Hitesh Bhuraria and Nishant Singh, one that was formed at the first-ever cohort of Antler India Residency, is set to build the future of how companies approach their decarbonization goals.


الاستثمار في أبني باص

ApniBus, which has been operating in stealth mode, is now live in more than 350 routes connecting over 1000 destinations. In just 7 months, the platform has seen over 1 million transactions and is growing rapidly month on month. They have perfected an operating playbook that ensures superior unit economics from day 1 and at scale. We are proud to back Sumit, Ravi and the ApniBus team from day zero of their journey transforming intercity travel for the next 400M Bharat travelers.


الاستثمار في كرايسينشوتس وتجارب ألعاب الجيل الجديد

We are thrilled to back 21-year-old award-winning game developers and designers, Harsh Savergaonkar and Aditya Kasibhatla, who, with Cricinshots aim to redefine gaming experiences for the next generation of gamers and cricket fans in India and beyond.


الاستثمار في Finverv

We at Antler are thrilled to back Finverv on day zero of its journey of building the critical infrastructure needed for enabling thousands of organizations to offer credit to their customers and suppliers while helping lenders build profitable and scalable partnerships.  


الاستثمار في التكيف

At Antler India, we are particularly excited to back founders in areas such as SaaS, dev tooling, and Web3 infrastructure—with the vision of building critical infrastructure in India, for the world. To that end, we are thrilled to back Ronak, Debarshi, and the Adaptive team as they embark on a mission to empower technical and non-technical stakeholders at software companies globally.


كيف التقيت بشريكي المؤسس وأطلقت شركة لتوصيل الوجبات النباتية

The following is a transcript of an interview between the co-founders of Faba and Antler. It has been slightly edited for clarity and length.


علة التأسيس - سبب انضمامي إلى أنتلر

Teo Ortega is a contrarian builder who is not afraid of deviating from what is considered common knowledge. He likes to take things apart and understand how they work and put them back together in a new way as a way to understand their fundamentals — a form of reverse engineering if you will.


تعرّف على 8 شركات ناشئة جديدة مدعومة من قبل Antler في مجموعتها الثانية في برلين

Global early-stage VC Antler kicked off Q2 2022 in Berlin with their Portfolio Reveal Day on April 7th. As part of the second Berlin cohort, 8 teams took to the stage to showcase their innovation. The founders behind these startups work on addressing big challenges across Medtech🏥, Mental Health/Psychedelics🍄, HR Tech👩‍💼, Cleantech 🌊, Clean Energy⚡, Cybersecurity🔐 and in the Creator Economy🖼.


رحلة مؤسس Web3 المؤسس لـ Web3: قوة المجتمعات

An interview with Austin Chaird, Chief product and technology officer at Alpha Impact


Volopay: حزمة إدارة النفقات الكاملة التي تحتاجها كل شركة.

Businesses need financial help — badly. That’s the core of what Rajith Shaji and I were trying to address when we founded our expense management platform — Volopay — in 2019. What started with the intent to help Singaporean businesses manage their money better, has now turned into a service scaled across the APAC region.


أفضل 5 شركات ناشئة مدعومة من رأس المال الجريء ستضفي لمسة من الإثارة على عيد الحب 2022

Love is in the air! Yup, it’s that time of the year again. While some impatiently await its arrival because of all the fun things they have planned out, it is a day of confrontation with involuntary romantic loneliness for others. Valentine’s Day 2022 is here, which we took as the occasion to find five startups that will help you celebrate Valentine’s Day, with or without a partner.


جارامبا: التطبيق الذي يبذل قصارى جهده لتحقيق تنقلات يومية أكثر أماناً وموثوقية في الأسواق الناشئة.

Several years ago, one afternoon in Hanoi city center, I sat on the terrace in a cafe, watching people pass by with their various activities. A city bus passed, and I want to try it on but I couldn’t understand all the information on the bus. It was written in the Vietnamese alphabet. I finished my coffee quickly and ordered a taxi through a costly ride-hailing app as I had no other choice because I didn’t want to gamble by renting a motorbike there.


شركة Antler Australia تستقبل العام الجديد باستقبال 90 مؤسسًا لبناء شركات تكنولوجية في مراحلها المبكرة

Global early-stage VC Antler has kicked off 2022 by welcoming 90 Australian founders into its latest cohort to build the defining companies of tomorrow. With ambitions extending across SaaS, FinTech, AgTech, HealthTech and GreenTech, here’s what you need to know about this mix of aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs.

With their eyes set on solving some of the world’s biggest challenges by building new category-defining companies, these ambitious individuals are embarking on their founder journey with Antler Australia to secure Pre-Seed investment.


واتسون ليفينج تجعل الإيجار مجزياً

Rent hasn’t changed for several decades. In 2019, 36% of the 122.8 million households in the United States were renting their homes which is more than at any point in the past 50 years. The median price of a home is up nearly 70% in the last decade while median income has grown less than 30% in the same period. Homeownership and building wealth are increasingly out of reach for Americans. When homeownership isn’t feasible, more people rent, and rent prices skyrocket as they have done for the past 20 years. The multifamily housing industry is known for being slow to adopt new technology. However, increasing competition and the COVID-19 pandemic paired with generational shifts in apartment ownership to a younger more tech-savvy group has created many opportunities for technology companies to enter the multi-family housing market.


قصة أحد المؤسسين - كيف أن "طول العمر" هو المشكلة الأساسية التي يجب حلها

A longread about the road to founding a company and finding the ultimate problem to work on, by Jeffrey Duyvesteijn, co-founder and CEO of For Youth.


يشاركنا Zip CSO ما يتطلبه الانتقال من شركة ناشئة إلى شركة كبرى

We spoke with Dr Tommy Mermelshtayn about Zip's growth to date and what it takes to transition from startup to scaleup


تعمل شركة TradeBay السويدية لتكنولوجيا الأغذية على إحداث تغيير جذري في الطريقة التي يتداول بها المشترون والبائعون الفاكهة الطازجة. إليك السبب الذي يجعل هذه الصناعة العالمية تجتذب استثمارات رأس المال المخاطر

TradeBay is about to revolutionize the fruit trade industry by offering a Global fruit trading platform. Here is why the Stockholm portfolio company, led by CEO Filippa Jedeur-Palmgren, enables new market opportunities and why this Global multi-billion dollar industry is ripe for VC investment.

رحلتي مع قرن الوعل - قيادة ثورة المخدر

A conversation with Rafael Alain Rolli, bioengineer and entrepreneur.


من مرحلة التمهيد إلى بناء مشروع قابل للتطوير حقًا - لماذا انضممت إلى Antler

A conversation with Annika (Kreil) Breu, founder of OH MY! Fantasy and former Bain Consultant.


كيف تمكنت هذه الشركة الناشئة في مجال تكنولوجيا السفر من جمع 5.4 مليون دولار أمريكي في خضم جائحة عالمية

As the world screeched to a standstill in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, few sectors were hit as hard as the travel industry. Globally, international arrivals dropped to 381 million in 2020, down from 1.461 billion in 2019 — a 74% decline. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the crisis put between 100 and 120 million direct tourism jobs at risk. As lockdowns fell into place worldwide, investors and entrepreneurs in the TravelTech sector switched to “survival mode”.

Yet in the midst of it all, Airalo persisted.


راجيث شاجي: المؤسس المثابر

Rajith has the natural gift of making people feel at ease. But we’re not going to lie; this conversation was different. To make it happen, we stretched over three continents: North America, Europe, and Asia. While it was late at night in Vancouver, it was early morning in Rotterdam and noon in Singapore. However, Rajith injected the conversation with good vibes from the first second, making us feel awake and inspired. It was the perfect way to start and end our day!


كيفية تشكيل ثقافة المنتج، من الإطلاق إلى حالة يونيكورن

What's the secret to building and scaling a successful tech company? According to some of the top product-building experts in Southeast Asia, it's all about building a strong product culture from Day One. Setting strong product foundations looks different for companies at different stages, from seed to Series C and beyond, and must evolve based on the unique cultural environment in which you are building. Find out how businesses leaders from tech companies like Gojek, Lazada and more built successful internal product cultures.


يتشارك التقنيون الذين تحولوا إلى رؤساء تنفيذيون تقنيون سبب تركهم لوظائفهم اليومية لتأسيس شركة

At some point, most data scientists or developers have built something that they think has startup potential or dreamed of launching their own successful product. Yet, many developers end up sticking with their jobs.

So, what makes someone take the leap and chase the startup dream? We asked three developers-turned-founders what prompted them to leave their jobs and start a company. From lacking a sense of purpose to feeling uninspired, stifled, or unappreciated, learn what motivated these successful founders to leave their full-time jobs to start a business.

سلسلة المؤسسين: زابرينا تشيو، الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة صودا

The founders series takes a deep dive into the journey of Antler portfolio  company founders and sheds light on the space they are building in. This week, we spoke to Zabrina Chew, Co-Founder and CEO of Soda. Soda is a social discovery platform to help millennial professionals find and engage with relevant and trusted communities around them easily. Soda is building the  future of discovery, co-creation, and collaboration, bringing its community together through streamlined content and small, intimate gatherings.


في المقعد الساخن مع رادو أشيهاي، خبير التوظيف في الشركات الناشئة في مراحلها الأولى

Read on to learn more about what prompted Radu to start RePack, what he’s learned about himself since becoming an entrepreneur, and how to hire top talent. Check out his tips on the startup recruitment process and how to maintain a healthy working relationship with your co-founder.

الجيد والسيئ وغير المتوقع: ما تعلمه رواد الأعمال من بناء شركة ناشئة في عام 2021

Let's face it, entrepreneurship and building a startup from the ground up are hard work. Add a global pandemic with variant strains, unforeseen lockdowns, and nationwide vaccine campaigns to the mix, and what you get is a lot more uncertainty.

The highs and lows that startup founders have had to go through the last 18 months to start a company and get funding are the result of hard work, a robust complementary team, and the ability to persevere and be adaptable to various challenges.

Founders from the recent Antler Southeast Asia cohorts shared with KrASIA some of their experiences as they navigated through this year to reach a milestone in their early-stage journey-to present their companies to the world at the Antler Southeast Asia Demo Day on July 22.


في المقعد الساخن مع جيسيكا لي، خبيرة في بناء ثقافة الشركات الناشئة المستقلة

Learn about what keeps Jessica motivated and inspired as a founder, and how she and her co-founder, Puteri Myrasandri, have built the startup culture of their dreams. Check out her tips on building an autonomous startup culture, and how to push through rejections, all while building a successful company.

المهمة (شبه المستحيلة): كيف جمعنا 300 ألف جنيه إسترليني بدون إيرادات في المملكة المتحدة

This article is for my fellow founders who are entering the journey of building a startup in the UK. We had many discussions on different slack channels and I eventually was asked to share my experience of pre-seed fundraising without having any revenue — something which takes far more effort in Britain than in the US.

المملكة المتحدة

سلسلة المؤسسين: شوبهام جوبتا، الشريك المؤسس لشركة آيفوري

The founders series takes a deep dive into the journey of Antler portfolio company founders and sheds light on the space they are building in. This week, we spoke to Shubham Gupta, Co-Founder of Ivory. Ivory is an employee engagement platform that harnesses anonymity to create transparency, empower collaboration and capture unheard risks.


سلسلة الشركات الناشئة: التحقق من المساواة - تسريع المساواة في مكان العمل

Longtime friends Marie Louise Sunde and Isabelle Ringnes have always been passionate about equality and the power of technology in solving some of the most pressing issues of our time. Inspired by Emma Watson's powerful speech for the #HeForShe campaign, they joined the very first Antler cohort in Stockholm to build Equality Check - a platform for reviews about culture, inclusion and equality in the workplace.

سلسلة المؤسسين: جوزي ستوكر، الشريك المؤسس لشركة Capture

The founders series takes a deep dive into the journey of Antler portfolio company founders and sheds light on the space they are building in. This week, we spoke to Josie Stoker, co-Founder of Capture. She and her co-founder Aziz Abdul have built an app to track carbon emissions.

Capture is a digital platform enabling organisations to mobilise one of their greatest assets in the fight for a sustainable future - their workforce. Through their app, integrations and dashboard, they run planet-friendly challenges and help companies live-monitor their CO2 savings.


يشارك مؤسسو 5 شركات ناشئة في مجال الصحة النفسية نصائحهم للراغبين في تحسين صحتهم النفسية

The global pandemic had a profound impact on the mental health of many, so now more than ever, it is crucial to be aware of and apply good mental health practices.

At Antler, mental health is an important topic not only during Mental Health Awareness Month or the World Mental Health Day but throughout the whole year. As such, we've compiled advice from some of our portfolio companies that are tackling mental health: Stockholm-based VoiceHER, London-based Blueheart and Kalda, Singapore-based Innade, and Berlin-based clare&me.

Here's what they had to say.


سلسلة المؤسسين: آرون سوغوماران، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة آرت وول ستريت

The founders series takes a deep dive into the journey of Antler portfolio company founders and sheds light on the space they are building in. This week, we spoke to Arun Sugumaran, co-Founder and CEO of ArtWallSt. ArtWallSt is a global exchange for art where anyone can become collectors, exhibitors and investors. In addition to bringing art closer to people through everyday physical spaces, the startup is currently developing a platform where blockchain-authenticated physical artworks can be traded on the platform.


تشو هويت: تحويل الضعف إلى قوة عظمى

When we interview visionaries, we want to get to know them. The one thing we love is when they open up about their failures and hard times. When we feel tears coming up, we know we’re on the way to a beautiful story.


شاهد: مؤسِّسة تكنولوجيا الطاقة الأسترالية التي جمعت 100 مليون دولار أمريكي خلال جائحة كوفيد تشاركنا رحلتها في عالم الشركات الناشئة

Katherine McConnell, Founder & CEO of Brighte shares her journey to building her startup, as well as how she’s been able to achieve 912% revenue growth over the past three years and built relationships with investors such as Mike Cannon-Brookes, co-founder of Atlassian.


لم يتم العثور على نتائج.
لا توجد نتائج بهذا المعيار. حاول تغيير البحث.

اشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية

احصل على آخر الأخبار والآراء من مجتمع أنتلر العالمي

شكرا! تم استلام طلبك!
عفوا! حدث خطأ ما أثناء إرسال النموذج.

تواصل مع فريق التحرير لدينا

إلين تشان

المدير العالمي للتسويق الرقمي

كيمبرلي تايت
